Got Points? Having trouble staying insured? Request a NJPAIP New Jersey Car Insurance quote below and get a policy that you could keep.

In the past 5 years have you had Tickets-DUI/DWI, have been canceled for non-payment or have too many accidents? NJ PAIP car insurance may be for you. Find out what non-standard car insurance commonly known as New Jersey state mandated car insurance plan coverage costs easily today.
Our friendly and knowledgeable NJ PAIP – New Jersey High Risk Car Insurance State Certified Producers help you to customize and explore your coverage options, down payment, and payment structure. We’ll help you find the cheapest NJPAIP car insurance coverage even when you have a NJ DUI, traffic violations, moving violations, or several accidents. Full coverage is available for financed or leased vehicles. You only pay for what you need.
Do you need a NJPAIP policy? We will help you explore options available to try and keep you with a normal or preferred car insurance company. The state of NJ auto plan requires that you try regular insurance companies first. If not available then a New Jersey PAIP may be needed.
High Risk Auto Insurance is offered through the State of New Jersey Assigned Risk Plan NJPAIP. If you need this type of insurance you will NOT be rated based on your credit score, education level and other factors that large insurance companies use.
In addition if you meet the NJ high risk auto insurance application criteria you are guaranteed to be assigned to a company that has to take your policy because the state assigned risk plan mandates that they have to insure you.
Get started with a free rate quote and see if our NJPAIP Certified Producers will be able to help you. You are under no obligation by just requesting a NJ PAIP rate quote. Other non standard car insurance policies may be available to you and we will explore all of your options for you.
New Jersey High Car Insurance help is available in all NJ counties and towns, get help now. Please submit your information below for quickest results.
GET A NJPAIP QUOTE HERE with our easy form.
Get expert help with NJPAIP or other alternatives for car insurance and have an policy that you could keep until your points come off of your record. Quotes other than NJPAIP New Jersey High Risk Car Insurance may be available based on the severity of your past driving history.

What factors can affect the cost of my NJ automobile insurance?
A number of factors can affect the cost of your automobile insurance – some of which you can control and some which are beyond your control. The type of car you drive, the purpose the car serves, your driving record, and where you live can all affect how much your automobile insurance will cost you.
Even your marital status can affect your cost of insurance. Statistics show that married people tend to have fewer and less costly accidents than do single people.
What should I consider when purchasing automobile insurance?
There are a number of factors you should consider when purchasing any product or service, and insurance is no different.
Here are a couple of things you should consider when purchasing automobile insurance.
First, purchase the amount of auto liability coverage which makes sense for you.
Second, you should decide which optional coverage’s you want. For example, do you want the optional physical damage coverage’s in Part D or is the market value of your car too low to warrant purchasing them.
Here is a short list of items that will cause insurance companies to raise your rate.
AAF – At Fault Accident
BOT – Open Bottle/Container
CRD – Careless/Improper Op of Vehicle
DEQ – Defective Equipment
DEV – Disregard Traffic Device/Sign
DR – Drag Racing
DWI – Driving Under the Influence
EQP – Equipment Violations
FAR – False Report to Official/Perjury
FEL – Auto Theft / Felony
FLE – Flee/Elude Police
FRA – Failure to Report Accident
FTC – Following Too Close
FTY – Failure to Yield
HOM – Homicide/Assault w/ Vehicle
IBK – Improper Backing
IP – Improper Passing
IT – Improper Turn/U-Turn
LIC – License/Credentials Violation
LTS – Leaving the Scene
MMV – Other Minor Moving Violations
NAF – Not At Fault Accident
REF – Refusal to Test
RKD – Reckless Driving
SAF – Safety Violation
SCH – Passing School Bus
SPD – Speeding
SUS – Driving w/ Susp/Rev/Canc License
WOC – Operate w/o Owner’s Consent
WSR – Wrong Side of Road
“Private passenger automobile” in New Jersey means a vehicle that meets the definition in N.J.S.A. 39:6A-2a, that is not eligible for coverage through any voluntary NJ car insurance company or residual market mechanism created by statute, and is owned by an individual or husband and wife; or owned jointly by two or more relatives other than husband and wife; or owned jointly by two or more resident individuals; or owned by a corporation, partnership [ and ] or unincorporated association, governmental agency, or registered to a professional designation (that is, T/A, PA or P.C.) where such automobiles are furnished to individuals and are not used for business purposes.
“Private passenger type automobile” means a vehicle that meets the definition in N.J.S.A. 39:6A-2a and is owned by a corporation, partnership or any other entity except an individual or husband and wife and used for business purposes.
If you are having trouble with NJPAIP or any NJ Insurance matter, call the NJ Insurance department at 609-292-7272 or the Consumer Hotline at 1-800-446-7467 or visit the Insurance Commissioners office at 20 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08625,